Thursday, January 9, 2014


So have you heard the story of Kofi's incredibly deep essay he wrote for application to Harvard? No?  Well read it yourself on his blog "Thy Pen Bleeds" or check out the excerpt below...

Thy Pen Bleeds
"Life is a series of numbers waiting to be decoded…Probability is that you will never figure the equation out and if you do it’s 1 over an endless integer….you see to question theories is to question life and its existence….theories of scientific discoveries are never a fact thus they are only reasons lasting for a certain amount of time until another scientist proofs the theory otherwise…..My first year at MIT almost defaulted my memory lane…I spent a semester trying to find clues as to what I should write my theories on in order to be eligible for a full scholarship and also end up on the dean’s list……Not that I needed the money for tuition, trust me it was never the case….but rather I wanted to amount to something the world has yet to see….days and weeks passed by until I came across a concept one wee early mornings of the day……This concept prompted me to write a mathematical theory paper questioning the idea as to if “1+1 is actually equal to 2”….you see to majority of you out there, you will say yes it amounts to 2………As of today I am still working on proofing the theory otherwise……in order not to confuse the public I will only give you a clue as to why it might not be so without having to work out the equation on this blog….You see first and foremost you must ask yourself what is “1” and thus what is the integer “1”made up of?!…yes it is confusing but as I enlisted earlier on…. “life is a series of numbers waiting to be decoded”

What's wrong with this?

1. Kofi went to MIT now? What? I thought you were a Harvard boy!
2. Oh, don't need money for tuition? Ehhh then why do you steal...
3. Your theory is bullshit. 

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