His "new" name is: Koffee Jonah Sarpdarwa
He currently looks like:

To the girl who is with him now living in hotels, please run as fast as you can. It won't end well.
So if you're on this page, that means you're curious about the secret billionaire son of Nicky Oppenheimer (heir to the De Beers fortune) and grandson of Ghanian Diplomat Kofi Annan. Sorry to tell you but Kofi Annan Oppenheimer is a total and complete FRAUD. A group of us created this page to protect all who may come in contact with Kofi. If you have an account of being lied to or defrauded by Kofi (real name Kofi Dankwah) send your story to KofiLiedToMe@gmail.com and I will post your story!